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The Machiavelli Srl

The Machiavelli company was born in 1968 in Lecco after a 15 year professional experience of its founder Giuseppe Machiavelli. The continuation has been granted by the new generation: Stefano (President) and Elena (Administration).

The company philosophy based on its internal energy and organizational flexibility has always assured the respect of accuracy and punctuality on the different served markets.


La filosofia aziendale della MACHIAVELLI SrL ha sempre garantito la qualità.


Ne sono testimonianza il conseguimento nel 1998 della certificazione ISO 9001, con adeguamento alla norma UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 nel 2009; a dimostrazione della continua ricerca del miglioramento sia dell’organizzazione che del sistema di Qualità Aziendale.


The way of doing business of MACHIAVELLI SrL has always granted quality.


In 1998 Machiavelli Srl obtained the ISO 9001 certification, with UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 regulation in 2009 to continue being consistent with continue research of improvement both in the organization and in the overall company Quality System.


Kundenorientierung und Qualität sind die wesentlichen Säulen der Unternehmensphilosophie von MACHIAVELLI SrL.

IBeweis für die ständige Optimierung der Organisation und des Qualitätssystems ist die Zertifizierung nach ISO 9001 im Jahr 1998 mit entsprechender Anpassung an die Norm UNI EN ISO 9001:2008, die 2009 erfolgte.

Certificati versione .PDF
Certificates version .PDF
Zertifikatsversion    .PDF
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